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These Terms (“Agreement”) are entered into between
On one side;
– CHAIN.CO DOO Company, which operates in accordance with Turkish Law (referred to as CHAIN.CO DOO in the Agreement).
On the other side:
– Pursuant to this agreement, the Buyer who purchases products from (referred to as “Buyer” in the Agreement).CHAIN.CO DOO and the Buyer will be referred to as parties together. They have agreed on the following terms and conditions:
The subject of this Agreement is the mutual rights and obligations of the Parties regarding the purchase by the Buyer of the products offered for sale electronically on the website of CHAIN.CO DOO and the shipping of the relevant products by CHAIN.CO DOO to the delivery address notified by the Buyer. constitutes regulation.
I. The basic features and other information of the goods or services that CHAIN.CO DOO offers for sale on its website are available at The Buyer cannot request performance from CHAIN.CO DOO based on information not included on the website.
II. The prices listed and announced on the site are the sales price. Declared prices and promises are valid until updated or changed. Prices announced periodically are valid until the end of the specified period. CHAIN.CO DOO unilaterally reserves the right to make discounts for products and services and to take back the discount it has made.
III. Value added taxes, customs duties, etc. on the goods or services subject to the contract. Other taxes are not included in the sales price. These taxes will be paid by the Buyer according to the tax system and rates in the country where the Buyer is located. CHAIN.CO DOO has no liability for all taxes that may arise without being subject to limited counting.
IV. CHAIN.CO DOO will deliver the product for which it has received full payment to the Buyer within thirty days if it is in stock.
I. CHAIN.CO DOO will deliver the products offered for sale on the website to the BUYER, without defects or damage, through the transportation company within the promised time, if the stock and/or production status of CHAIN.CO DOO is suitable, after the price is paid by the Buyer.
II. Since the prices of the products stated on the website are excluding taxes and delivery fee, taxes and delivery fee will be paid directly by the Buyer. The buyer irrevocably accepts this situation.
III. CHAIN.CO DOO cannot be held responsible if the delivery company encounters a problem during the delivery phase to the Buyer, or if the ordered product is not delivered to the Buyer or is delivered late.

Personalized products specified at or products for which personalized changes are requested are prepared as special orders for the individual(s) according to the Buyer's measurements and other requests. Accordingly, there are no refunds or exchanges for personalized orders made or to be made through The buyer accepts and declares that there is no right of return or exchange for the purchases made from CHAIN.CO DOO, which produces personalized products.
II. Essentially, the Buyer has no right to withdraw or terminate the contract. If the fee specified in the contract is received as a prepayment and the contract is later withdrawn from, this prepayment will be collected as a withdrawal money.
III. The products on this website are, in principle, produced to order, and by completing the order, the BUYER is deemed to have accepted that he has this information regarding the purchases he will make from the online shopping site and that he has read this form. In this regard, the BUYER shall comply with Article 48/4 of the Law on Consumer Protection No. 6502 in his purchases from the website He accepts that he has waived the right of withdrawal specified in the article and the return of these products is subject to the provisions of Article 15.b of Regulation No. 29188. It is not possible according to the article.
IV. Your exchange requests for the SELLER's products within CHAIN.CO DOO will be processed following your written notification to CHAIN.CO DOO within 14 business days from the delivery date. You can send your change requests to us by sending an e-mail to This 14-day period ends at the end of the fourteenth (14th) day following the receipt of the order by the BUYER or, in cases where more than one product is delivered separately with a single order, on the fourteenth (14th) day following the receipt of the last product by the BUYER. It will eventually end.
V. Upon a change request, the BUYER is obliged to complete the approval/rejection process regarding the change request and inform the BUYER within 3 business days following the return of the product he wants to change, unused, with its package and invoice, within ten (10) days from the date of notification. </div>
VI. For your other requests regarding the change process, you can get information and support from CHAIN.CO DOO's phone number +382683 66405 or via e-mail to
VI. For your other requests regarding the change process, you can get information and support from CHAIN.CO DOO's phone number +382683 66405 or via e-mail to VII. The BUYER's rights arising from the law regarding defective products are reserved, and the BUYER is obliged to inspect the product at the time of delivery and immediately notify the SELLER of any defects it detects.

I. Declares that it has read and understood all the information regarding the basic characteristics of the product subject to the contract, sales price (excluding taxes and other fees), payment method and delivery specified on the website and has given the necessary confirmation electronically. Buyer; By confirming this agreement electronically, it has confirmed that it has obtained the basic features of the ordered products, the price of the products excluding taxes and delivery fee, payment and delivery information accurately and completely.
II. The Buyer accepts and declares that he/she has read and understood all the information/terms written in the contract, that he/she will comply with all obligations of his/her party completely and on time, and that he/she will bear the relevant rights and responsibilities regarding them, together with the purchase process and access to the website.
III. All intellectual property rights of CHAIN.CO DOO and (information, texts, images, brands, slogans and other signs, page layout, etc. on the site) are the exclusive property of CHAIN.CO DOO. Copying, modifying, publishing, sending, distributing or selling the intellectual property presented on the site in whole or in part, online or through other media, will be clearly and definitely against the Law on Intellectual and Artistic Works No. 5846. Legal and criminal sanctions regarding this will arise directly from the Buyer. The buyer accepts all images, information, content, etc. on He accepts, declares and undertakes that all intellectual and industrial rights, including the rights under the Industrial Property Law, belong to CHAIN.CO DOO, and that he will not use or copy these rights for himself or third parties.
IV. The Buyer accepts, declares and undertakes that he/she has read and understood the Information and Clarification Text on the Personal Data Protection Law specified in this agreement at and that he/she consents to the processing of information and sharing it appropriately where permitted by the Law.
I. CHAIN.CO DOO is obliged to supply the products purchased by the Buyer completely and without defects, as stated on the website, provided that the stock status is available. The buyer is obliged to inspect the relevant products upon receipt and to report the defect within fourteen days at the latest. Otherwise, the Buyer loses its right to claim and apply for the defect. Since the products are made individually, no refunds or exchanges can be made if the product is defective. However, if CHAIN.CO DOO accepts that the product is defective, the conditions regarding the modification of the product are reserved.
II.CHAIN.CO DOO will supply the products it sells online in the sizes and measurements specified by the Buyer. CHAIN.CO DOO has no liability if the Buyer's measurements differ from the order date.
III.CHAIN.CO DOO will notify the Buyer when and how it sends the products, the transportation cost being borne by the Buyer.
IV.CHAIN.CO DOO has the right to collect the product price for the products it sells via credit, debit card, money transfer or EFT and other methods. CHAIN.CO DOO will not be responsible for errors and delays caused by banks and collection agencies, and the Buyer will be able to fulfill its obligation to pay the price again in such a case.
V.CHAIN.CO DOO has the right to make changes to the website and determine stock unilaterally and without giving any reason. The Buyer cannot claim rights for products reserved or attempted to purchase before the change was made.
VI. CHAIN.CO DOO's obligation to send the product ends when it is given to the transportation company by specifying the Buyer's address. At this point, CHAIN.CO DOO has no responsibility if the carrier cannot deliver the product or if the people at the Buyer's address do not receive the product.

I. The Parties acknowledge and declare that the rights and moral rights (including copyright) of processing, reproduction, dissemination, representation and transmission to the public through means of signal, sound and/or image transmission in all products and services subject to this Agreement belong exclusively to CHAIN.CO DOO. and they commit.
II.CHAIN.CO DOO will not use, imitate, copy or have anyone else make products or designs specially designed and sold for the Buyer, even if modified by the Buyer.
III.Within the scope of this article, the Buyer has criminal and legal liability within the framework of the legal legislation and CHAIN.CO DOO reserves the right to all kinds of claims and lawsuits.
IV. The Buyer acknowledges that he has read the information and consent text regarding the Personal Data Protection Law available at and accepts the processing of his personal data in accordance with the relevant laws.
If CHAIN.CO DOO cannot deliver the product subject to the contract within the deadline due to force majeure or extraordinary circumstances such as adverse weather conditions that prevent transportation or interruption of transportation, it is obliged to notify the Buyer of the situation. In this case, the Buyer may exercise the right to postpone the delivery period until the hindering situation disappears. In the event of a force majeure event that does not exist on the date of the contract, the Buyer accepts, declares and undertakes that it is aware that it can only exercise its right to postpone. This is due to the fact that the relevant products are made specifically for the individual. In such a case, CHAIN.CO DOO will send the relevant order to the Buyer after the force majeure ends.
I. In cases where there is no provision in this contract and its annexes, the Law on Consumer Protection No. 6502 and the general provisions of the Turkish Commercial Code for commercial companies and merchants shall be acted upon.
II. Disputes arising in the implementation of this agreement and its annexes are resolved in Istanbul Central Courts. Turkish Law will apply to the contract.
III. In case of dispute, CHAIN.CO DOO's information, documents and commercial books will constitute conclusive evidence.
IV. This contract consists of 10 articles and CHAIN.CO DOO has the right to change the contract unilaterally.

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